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6 Smart Tips for Maximizing your Android Phone

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The Android-based phones have variety of interesting content and features available proved capable to enchant millions of users in a relatively short time. Those that include or are interested to be one of them, here are some useful tips to maximize your Green Robot smartphone.

1. Having a Google account

Android is Google’s operating system, so you need a Google account (or Gmail) to use the many features on your Android smartphone. If you do not have it, you can simply make it directly on the phone.

The first time you access some features connected with Google as Android Market, you will immediately find the option to create a Gmail account (Google email).

Email creation process is quite easy: you just fill in some personal information is requested and the account name and password of your choice. Whereas if you already have it, simply enter your account name (without need @gmail.com) and password to register your smartphone with Google’s servers.

2. Subscribe to data plan

Once connected to Google’s servers, your smartphone will continue to use the data to search for various applications including Facebook updates and incoming email. This course will drain charge very fast and a lot even without you knowing it.

The solution, internet subscription package provided your operator. Operators typically provide a choice based on time (daily / weekly / monthly) and the amount of data. For simplicity just take a monthly package.

3. Download high rating  application

Hundreds of thousands of free apps in the Android Market is one of the main attraction Android OS, but remember that not everything is suitable for your smartphone and your needs. So, pay attention to ratings contained in each application (indicated with a star logo).

The more stars the better usually, although some users are “fun” which gave a low rating would make the star is not up to full. In addition also read user reviews that already use the application.

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4. Underclock for efficient battery

Is actually very common for Android smartphones in wasteful use of battery power, but this is not can not be tricked. Some smartphones have underclock feature which can be directly accessed from the menu, to lower the processor speed. For example, Previously runs at the speed of 1GHz, after in-underclock runs at 800 MHz.

No need to worry about cell phones greatly reduced performance, because when you are not running heavy applications such as playing games or using a GPS, this one feature are accurate jutsu in order to save battery.

5. Protect your phone from the hands of ignorant

Android smartphone could certainly have a touch screen, so you can use the screen lock function by drawing a gesture (pattern) or with a specific password to protect it from the hands of ignorant.

This feature can be found in Settings, Location & Security submenu, and select Set Lock Screen. Here you can specify your own type of security that you can use. If you feel less, you can download additional security applications from the Android Market.

6. Visit site and forum to review about your brand mobile phone

Frequently visited sites or forums that discuss about Android. Almost every day there are new updates, whether it’s applications as well as various tips about your cell phone.

Some sites or forums are also often describes troubleshooting various problems that often occur on an Android phone. Given each brand has its own characteristics, we suggest you visit the forums that are specific to Android mobile phone brand you have.

These six tips above are basic instructions for your first time or have not been using an Android phone. So do not hesitate to continue to try and experiment with your Android smartphone!

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