Searching on Google is very simple, you simply enter in your search word into the textbox search google and press enter, Google will find pages that match with your search. What a good search most likely? or in other words how google translate human language into a search query?
The reality in google search:
- All the words that you enter into google search textbox will be used for search.
- Searching with Google is case insensitive (mean does not distinguish capital letters or not) so you do not need to write “Barack Obama” to search for “Barack Obama” because the two phrases are considered equal.
- Generally, punctuation marks such as #$%^&*()=[] will be ignored by Google.
Tips for better search:
- Simplify the keyword, for example, you want to search google office in Jakarta. you can simply use the keyword “google Jakarta” you should not write “Where is the location of the google office in Jakarta?”
- Think of how the page you are looking for is written inside a content. Search Engines are not humans, search engines match what you are looking for with the content of existing pages, then use a language that is often used. eg: “electric machines coffee maker” is replaced with “coffee maker”.
- Explain what you are looking for with minimum requirements, for example: “weather reports in Jakarta today” replaced with “Jakarta weather.”
- More word explanation. The more unique explanation words you enter, the more relevant results you will get. example for the word restaurant, illustrate appropriate input word you mean like a restaurant Sunda, European restaurants, vegetarian restaurants, and so forth.
In general, it is a sufficient basic search to find the page you are looking for, but sometimes you need something more powerful.
Google to identify the priority of the search, using the mark “” for example you wish to search by keyword: a biography “Barack Obama” then your search will be prioritized in the “Barack Obama”, but be careful when using a priority because you will ignore the results of other content that may be relevant to your keywords, but not in accordance with said confirmation/priority, in this case for example, “Barack Obama Husain.”
Conditioning of the words are not desired
The minus sign (-) is inserted in front of a search word will exclude the results of the search containing the word for example, “search engine-google” it means your query search other than google search engine.
Further searches will be discussed in subsequent editions (next week), good luck, and happy Googling!