5 Tips to Become a Better Blogger + 4 Blog Writing Tips to Become a Better Blogger

Blogging can be as easy as counting up to 10, or as difficult as climbing Mount Everest depending on how strong a writer you are. Professional writers usually find it blogging a breeze and enjoy it thoroughly as it offers them an opportunity to experiment with language and be free with their expression. Those who struggle with writing find blogging to be an intimidating chore and usually can’t get even one post written in hours. Whatever skill level you may be at, there are some ways you can make blogging easier and more fun:

  1. Research. I know that “research” and “blogging” sound completely contradictory, but once you know something about what you are writing, you will find it much easier to write. Moreover, a well-researched post will make you sound like an expert rather than a newbie expressing his uninformed opinion. Don’t dig too deep though. Just browse through a Wikipedia entry or go through a couple of articles related to the topic to get an idea, then compose your post. The advantage of research is that you can always paraphrase the original article in your post.
  2. Tone. Different topics demand different tones. If you are narrating a personal anecdote, you will use a far more casual and informal tone than if you are writing about a serious topic like the causes of cancer. Pick a tone that is relevant to the subject and stick to it throughout the post. If you find it difficult to write, pick an informal tone since it is relatively easier to write in.
  3. Punctuation, Spelling, and Grammar. Nothing turns off a reader more than a badly punctuated sentence full of grammar holes. While readers will forgive the occasional misspelling, if you want to build a following that treats you as an expert, you will have to focus on spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
  4. Pictures. This is a point very few people mention: always punctuate your paragraphs with some relevant pictures. People online usually have very low attention spans and can get intimidated by big blocks of text. Separating paragraphs with a relevant picture reduces the monotony of the text, gives the reader some relevant content to look at (i.e. the pictures) and ends up making your site look more colorful and better.

Blogging is an art. Even people who are not good writers or who struggle with language can become good bloggers by using the right tone and style. How your blog is as important as what you blog about. So if you want to be a successful blogger, there are a few tips you should follow:

  1. Tone the kind of tone you use on a blog would be a lot different than the kind you would use in a newspaper editorial. Blogs, by their very nature, are informal and casual. Don’t be stiff and overly polite in your posts. Feel free to express yourself, be a little casual and loose. The best blogs sound as if they are written by a good friend, not some high up authority.
  2. Keep it ShortPeople on the internet usually have very low attention spans. Nothing intimidates an internet surfer more than a 2000 word single-spaced blog post. If you want your readers to actually read what you are writing, keep your posts short – 500-600 words maximum. If you want to write something longer than this, split it into multiple posts.
  3. Give Your Content the Pride of Place. Your blog is only as interesting as what you write in it. In other words, content is the king. Don’t let the content be overshadowed by the blog graphics or design. These should be secondary to the content and should enhance the flavor of the content, not mask it.
  4. Advertise CarefullyNothing is more irritating than seeing a blog peppered with dozens of advertisements. It is understandable that you want to make some money for your efforts, but make sure that the advertisements blend into the overall blog design.
  5. Spelling and Punctuation, Please I know I’ve just told you to be informal in your tone, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you can misspell just every second word. People don’t expect the Queen’s English, but they do expect grammatically correct language when visiting a blog.
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