The 4 Great Components Which Define a Commercial Security System

Commercial Security Systems Technology.

4 Components Which Define a Commercial Security System. For comprehensive protection of your commercial space, you must have access control, video surveillance, sensors, and a base station. This article will cover these components in detail. They are essential components of the best business security systems

Access control – #1 Components Commercial Security System

The physical access control component of the security system should be upgraded with added safety features. In addition, it should be easy to use and maintain. 

Access control is an essential component of any commercial security system. This component helps to organize the chaos of a business by keeping track of who enters the building and when. It will also inform business owners when a specific employee does not show up for work. Further, access control systems are beneficial in many businesses where sensitive data is stored. With access control systems, the employees can be restricted from certain parts of the building or access valuable equipment.

Video surveillance – #2 Components Commercial Security System

Whether your business has multiple locations or is just starting, there are some things you must consider when looking for the right video surveillance system. For starters, you must identify your business’s surveillance needs. For example, a retail store would require different video surveillance solutions than a logistics company. You should also determine what types of integration you need, where you want to store the footage, and what operational insights you need to see. After all, video surveillance is just a tiny part of a comprehensive security system.

When it comes to video surveillance, the main components are cameras, monitors, and recorders. These devices are available in various types and can be applied to interior and exterior spaces. You can choose to install a camera that operates all day, every single day, or only record when there’s movement. The cameras may also record when motion is detected or at a specific time of day. These different types of video surveillance systems can be installed with various features.

Sensors – #3 Components Commercial Security System

Sensors in a commercial security system provide several types of protection for a business. Some types of sensors detect smoke, carbon monoxide, and elevated temperature. Some sensors are also designed to detect the presence of water pipes and are installed in flood-prone areas. If these sensors detect a breach, an alarm will sound, notifying the alarm monitoring company. These sensors are most useful for protecting valuable items or areas of a building that customers and employees rarely visit.

The primary motion sensor covers a 40×40-foot space. This type of sensor ignores temperature changes in a single finger but detects motion when multiple fingers are moved in a direction. Therefore, intruders can avoid activating the sensor by walking across their fingers. This type of sensor is usually placed in a corner facing an entrance door.

Base station – #4 Components Commercial Security System

In many cases, a commercial security system’s base station is not visible to intruders, but a small blue light can help deter trespassers. A siren is a powerful tool that alerts the monitoring team of intrusions, while the blue light may help prevent potential burglars. However, intruders may be able to disable the blue light and use the base station as a cover to sneak into a building. Therefore, the base station should be located in a window to protect against intruders.


The base station is usually located at the entry point of a building, and it may be simple or complicated. The type of intercom required will depend on the size and layout of the building. The location should be central and easily accessible, with good visibility to the doors. In some cases, a receptionist or security officer will handle access requests. In-office blocks and substations may be located in separate apartments, while standalone offices require only one.

Components Which Define a Commercial Security System Technology

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