Could Turnstiles Be a Secured Method of Control During the Holidays?

Every year it seems that the rush for holiday shopping hits the newsstands regarding tales of mob-like mentality and stampeding consumers. In densely populated areas, these stories often include how injuries occur and the dangers involved with Christmas shopping. In light of the masses that pose a threat to the wellbeing of customers, could turnstiles be beneficial for reducing injuries and slowing the onset of cataclysmic events within the establishment?

Size Matters

In some locations, the width of a retail store’s exit may not be sufficient enough for turnstile use. Department stores that offer large appliances such as televisions and refrigerators may have to develop other means of exit such as using the docking area to load consumer vehicles with the larger items. Perhaps using a removable gated turnstile could be more beneficial for these locations. However, smaller purchases could easily fit through most turnstiles nearly eliminating the chance of injury through the doorway.

Greater Security

Turnstile security can reduce the effectiveness of the criminal element. During the holiday season, many will attempt to shoplift goods by merging with the droves of people vacating the premises. In an environment where one person exits at a time, it’s less likely to benefit those that would rather keep their money than purchase the goods in their pockets.

The only real drawback to the implementation of turnstiles is the congestion it could cause as people essentially wait their turns to enter or exit the facility. However, the safety and security that come with the device is often reason enough to install. Could your business location benefit from what a turnstile has to offer this holiday season?

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