What to Do After a Hailstorm

Hailstorms have the potential to be quite dangerous. While smaller storms might not cause much (if any) damage, larger ones can lead to serious damages. Large hail can dent your car, break windows, and destroy your roof. Whether you just recently experienced a hailstorm or there’s one in the forecast, here’s what to do when the storm is over.

Make a Hailstorm Record

Your first step is to make sure that it’s safe to go outside. Then, you should make a record of the storm. Write down the date and time the storm occurred. Take pictures of the hail. Depending on the storm, the pieces can vary in size. Use a quarter or ruler to show how big they were.

Inspect Your Home

Next, take a look at your Denver home. Check the roof, gutters, windows, screens, your porch or deck, and the outdoor unit of your air conditioner. Look around tree damage. You should also look for any leaks inside your home. Take pictures to record the damage. All of this information will help when you have to file a claim with your homeowner’s insurance. When doing repairs, focus on taking care of urgent issues first.

Look Over Your Vehicles

If you have any vehicles outdoors, look over them for damages as well. Just like with your home, take pictures of any damage. You will need this information to file a claim with your auto insurance. After filing your claim, you will be able to seek out auto repair shops that offer hail damage repair denver co. In some cases, repair shops may even be able to help you file your claims or do it for you.

Hailstorms can be dangerous. When it’s safe to go outside, take a record of everything that’s damaged so that the appropriate repairs can be made.

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