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Secret Google Search Techniques (part 2)


Search google edition 2 discusses how to create a query with more specific results If the issue 1 we discuss: phrase, priorities, and exception words, this time we will discuss the asterisk, the accuracy of the word, the operator, punctuation, etc.

Asterisk (*)

Suppose we want to find a relative of the information content Indocomtech Jakarta, if we use this query: [Indocomtech * jakarta] then, you will get a result about Indocomtech 2009 Jakarta, Jakarta Indocomtech 2010, the largest Indocomtech held in Jakarta, and the like.

Minus (-)

Compare the use of the following query, [bicycle fixie cool] and [bike-style cool fixie], If the query first to present a list item one cool bike fixie style video then the second query lists are not available.

Operator OR, AND

You can use google operators to apply case sensitive, so it will produce different information between the keywords [uerope OR america] and [europe or america] as well as HERO.

OR, is used to search for words relative to the keywords that comparing the two, you can try using keyword [study in Europe OR america] try to compare with the keyword [study in europe america]. AND, is used to find the word sustainable with words that describe the behind.


Not all punctuation marks are ignored, for example [C + +], [C #] in which the two examples is the name of a programming language. So also with a $ to produce better results you need to include $ to search the list price. as an example is [notebook $ 500] better than [the notebook 500 dollars]. _ Sign is not ignored in origin according to its use for example: [quick_short] or programming functions that many use this sign as an example: [str_replace]

The word is commonly used as a, an, the, for, WHO ignored by google search, but still, there are exceptions, for example, if you search by keyword [The Who] a band group, or [WHO] United Nations health organization, or [Who is ] which is the website domain information.

You can apply a combination of these searches to obtain search results more relevant to the information you have got, good luck, and wait for the next edition.

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