Grow-up Your Businesses Using Customer Serveice Call Center from SolidCactus

Solid Cactus can give an e-Commerce business the tools it needs to be successful. It offers a wide range of programs from virtual assistant, scheduling appointments, and marketing, handling returns, correcting AVS issues and much more. A customer service call center at is based in the United States and is operated by experts for providing high quality customer service. The operators and management have years of experience and are fully trained to be part of the client’s business.

The Solid Cactus Call Center management is a member of NEPA Customer Service Consortium, which is a professional development and networking forum that aims at excellent customer service as well as driving customer loyalty. Solid Cactus offers solutions for all e-Commerce issues and has redesigned or designed over 3,500 e-Commerce sites. The world-class staff is expert at what makes a successful e-Commerce business. It offers:

  1. Virtual Office Services including contact drop shippers, resolving credit card declines and managing incoming email;
  2. Customer Service including capture sales and up-sell, answering product inquires and consistent on-going training;
  3. Answering Service that functions as a personal receptionist, relays messages and screens calls;
  4. Managed live chat that will convert questions to orders and is proactive with rule-based engagement and generation X friendly.

With this kind of support, the staff of an e-Commerce business can focus on the work they do best and leave the support work to Solid Cactus. This is the right place for e-Commerce software, web design, e-Commerce marketing and call center services.

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