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Simple, Smart and Strong from Avira 2012

0simple smart strong dari avira 2012

In early October ago, Avira has announced the presence of Avira 2012 that carries focus on protecting security of home users, small business and enterprise. Major changes occurred in this 2012 version, especially the increase of user interface, installation process, and level of automation in detecting and virus/malware removal, as it also increases the performance of system resources as well as new virus/malware detection that not yet known.

0simple smart strong new avira 2012


With more attractive user interface, intuitive, modern and more efficient design, the installation process simply by double-click and have automatically conflict resolution software during the installation process. The new feature is useful for one-click “Fix Problem” which serves to solve problems that might compromise a user’s computer.


The new code is designed much more improved for detection of out-witting malware, which this malware deliberately hide itself from antivirus software. This new detection mechanism will find the code that is hiding inside the operating system.


Detection rate more increase, in which all components have been fortified so that stronger in holding malware attacks that specifically target antivirus software itself. Avira has defensive capability without locking the registry, better resistance against process termination and removal of components, from malware that make new steps in return.

Avira 2012 can be downloaded via the official website at www.avira.com and for business customers avira products can upgrade through centralized Security Management Center which will be available starting 17 October.

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