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Telecommunications Networking, 3 Great Impacts of Telecommunications Networks

What are the effects of telecommunications networks?

3 Great Impacts of Telecommunications Networking. Communications over long distances have come a long way since ancient Greece when according to legend, a messenger ran from the city of Marathon to Athens to deliver news during the war with Persia. The world has seen postal services, the Pony Express, telegraphs, and the telephone, and now we have the internet and telecommunication networking.

The Impacts of Telecommunications Networks

Every new form of long-distance communication has had a major impact on society and high end network systems Murfreesboro is no different. Telecommunications is an industry with global revenue of US$4.7 trillion annually. It has had an effect on the economic, social, and cultural aspects of human life.


Telecommunication networks have allowed businesses to develop into global corporations reaching more customers, employing more workers, and making more money than ever before. With the instantaneous transfer of data between virtually any two points on the globe, potential growth appears to be unlimited.


Telecommunications has led to the development of social media where people can interact with others anywhere. Families and friends can stay abreast of activities, people can participate in online clubs based on common interests and hobbies, and advertise their small businesses. People are even meeting and getting to know their future significant others.


Telecommunications gives people access to films, television programs, podcasts, music, and live events that they would not be able to experience otherwise. Artists, teachers, and lecturers can reach a wider audience than ever before. Online classes in every subject conceivable are available to those who wish to learn about them. Earning college degrees is also now not only possible but commonplace.

Conclusion – Telecommunications Networking

New technologies change the way people live. Telecommunication networking and its many advances have had one of the biggest impacts on society. It’s exciting to see what the future will bring as tech continues to develop.

telecommunications networking, impacts of telecommunications networks

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