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Need for Speed: The Run, Wild Race As far as 3000 Miles

The Running headline

Minimum Specifications: Windows XP SP3 (32-bit), Vista / 7 (32 or 64-bit) | Processor: 2 GHz Dual Core (Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or Athlon X2 2.7 GHz) | Memory: 2 GB HDD: 20 GB | VGA: DirectX 10.1 Compatible with 512 MB RAM (Nvidia 8800 GT / ATI 3870 or higher performance)

It’s no secret, every game series Need for Speed (NFS) is always present with a variety of styles and the latest titles in different games. On the 18th series, entitled “The Run”, this time EA innovate by incorporating some of action that can make you more interesting and suspenseful.

In this series, you’ll be presented with a myriad of cutscene like Hollywood movies. Not only that, every cutscene is shown as well as actions that were presented with Quick Time event, to show them, you have to press certain buttons which shown on monitor screen.

CNWINTECH From San Francisco to New York a long runaway
From San Francisco to New York, a long runaway.

In this game, you will act as a driver named Jack Rourke who had a big problem that so endanger his life. The problem faced by Jack is a fairly large debt with group of mafia. At the beginning of this game, you’ll be presented with a tense cutscene. Here, you’re stuck in a car shredder and you try to escape. After the incident, you are met with Sam Harper which offers a wild race known as “The Run”, and will pay you with U.S.$ 25 million money prizes. This bid surely free Jack from debt bondage. To win this event, Jack must race as far as 3000 Miles from San Francisco to New York and must be able to deal with 200 racers. Interestingly, all the way you will be dealing with mobsters who want to kill you and the police who want to dissolve this race.

The target in this wild race is you have to be number one when it reaches New York. There are some parts of checkpoints that are served by different modes, such as the Race Pass: it reached number one in 10 drivers; Checkpoint Race which is similar to Time Attack: which requires that you reach a checkpoint in the fastest time; Battle Race; ask you to get rid of all opponents before entering a specific checkpoint, and Battle 1vs1: against rivals who presented you a pink slip.

CNWINTECH When you outside car you need to running drive your adrenalin
When you outside car you need to running drive your adrenalin.

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Interspersed with a few modes, your tension continues as you must also deal with police on highway and helicopters continued firing at the car you drive. The mafia did not cease to be showered with hot lead while trying to chasing you. Action shown by this game more brutal when you attempt to blow up some barrels on the highway which is also capable of destroying buildings around it. Romp action was not just when you’re driving. In cornered situations and almost get caught, you can get out of your car and ran through the narrow streets or jumping from the top of the building. Of course, this action is more interesting with distraction of somewhat great sound effects.

CNWINTECH You can change your car during the race took place at the nearest refueling station
You can change your car during the race took place at the nearest refueling station.

Another advantage is the game NFS: The Run also presenting a variety of new cars. Unfortunately, in Campaign mode the car selection somewhat little. Not only that, the Multiplayer mode or Challenge, you have to unlock the car are available. The selection of cars on the Campaign mode is also somewhat unique and different from racing games in general to choose a car before the race. However, in this game, you can change your car while racing. NFS: The Run also provides some of the fueling station and this is where you can replace the car and pick the color you want. Unfortunately, do not expect you to modify used car. NFS: The Run feature does not present a tune up and modification. You use any car equipped with Nitros so you stay put and focus on being number one on arrival in New York.

Other features are no less interesting is the leveling system using Exp. Exp can be obtained from the way you finish a race, such as following the opponent without touching (clean pass) or end the race without using the reset (perfect race). Each level up, you will be given a driver ability which quite favorable starting to get Exp with jumping and drifting or add to the Nitros. This game also implement replay or reset the system that allows you to repeat certain of the checkpoint without a repeat of the early races. Every race, you will be reset limit depends on the selected difficulty level.

CNWINTECH Frostbite Engine 2 does not only produce beautiful graphics on environment but also in character
Frostbite Engine 2 does not only produce beautiful graphics on environment, but also in character.

NFS: The Run has been supported by the Frostbite Engine 2. That way, this game can bring beautiful graphics. Yes! map and the environment are presented to look perfect. Racetrack made it look real, very varied, and certainly not boring his players. You will pass through major cities, like Denver, Detroit, Las Vegas. During the trip from San Francisco to New York were you going through the rural area, the mountains, until the corners of the city depicted in detail. Not only that, but the settings also range from day, evening, and rain may give the impression of a long journey. Unfortunately, the area of race is not as free as the previous NFS series. Here, you have to stay on the path already set. You just a little off track, you’ll hit replay.

In addition to single-player, there is also a Challenge mode which more or less similar to that contained in the Campaign mode, only with a variety of challenges more difficult.

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