Do you have young children? Even if you don’t, odds are the children of your friends and family members stop by every so often, so it’s a good idea to think about childproofing. In the event a visiting child had a serious accident at your house, you could potentially be held liable, which could lead to a claim on your California home insurance. The financial ruin the result of a liability lawsuit would be trivial in comparison with the emotional consequences of a child sustaining a serious injury that could have been prevented.
There are diverse risks associated with kids of different ages, but as a basic guideline, these are a handful of things you should keep in mind to help keep your pint-sized visitors as safe as possible.
How to Childproofing Your Living Space
- Confirm that any ponds or pools are fenced.
- Situate guards over any open fireplaces.
- Think about buying a detachable safety gate for the top of any stairs as well as the kitchen door.
- Place safety screens on windows, or at least be sure that all windows on upper levels are closed and locked while your guests are present.
- Keep pets in a different space or in a fenced area of your backyard.
Taking some time to help protect your young guests from harm can pay off, as visiting parents will have a much more pleasant time at your home if they know that there are some childproofing precautions in place. It can also pay off financially in terms of lower California home insurance premiums and a lower risk of having to make a liability claim.
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