So, you are off to college, and the world is your proverbial oyster. But first, there are some things you need to know about your backpack. It’s spacious, can be quite comfy to carry, and you need some essentials in there at all times.
Grab a Refurbished Laptop or Tablet
Refurbished electronics, especially a refurbished Toughbook, are great because you can tote them with you everywhere. Most of them fit conveniently in your backpack. Or, you can carry them effortlessly across campus to your next class. Simple. Most electronics come with pre-loaded apps to make college work easier. For example, a calculator, notepad, and full keyboard would likely come in handy when studying or taking notes.
Go Classic with Pencils and Paper
If you would prefer to leave the electronics to the tech-savvier classmates, go classic with pencils and paper. Still useful, and the only thing you have to worry about is the pencil breaking or the paper ripping. Stock up on a few extra pencils and papers for any of your classmates that might have forgotten their own.
Keep a Binder for Your Notes & Paperwork
Binders are tried-and-true classics in the school world. It doesn’t matter how old you are, binders will always be perfection for keeping important classroom notes and paperwork in one convenient location. Sure, you could save your stuff on the computer. But not everything you get from your teacher will be in electronic formats.
Bring Along Snacks & Water
Professors usually don’t mind if their students eat or drink something as long as they remain quiet and non-disruptive. So, bring along some snacks and a bottle of water to get you through an especially long class. Quiet snacks would be things like raisins, oranges, microwave toaster pastries, and beef jerky. Chips would be a big no-no.
Keep Your Phone Charger Handy for Emergencies
Your phone could be your lifeline at college. If you ever have an emergency on campus or in class, you might need to call someone to let them know what is going on. And if your campus is on lockdown, it’s important to have your phone with you and fully charged. So, keep an extra charger in your backpack at all times.
College can be fun and daunting all at once. But you, an awesome student, can get through it. Simply re-read this article whenever you need a motivating boost of inspiration. Then go get em’, tiger.