Every year, you have an opportunity to show your father just how much you actually love and appreciate him. This Father’s Day put a little bit of extra effort in and find a present for your father that will really show him how much you care. While traditional gifts, like ties and cards, can be fun, if you put some thought into your decision, you can come up with something that will be truly meaningful for your dad. After all, your father or father-figure has given so much, shouldn’t he get something excellent as well?
First of all, ask yourself what hobbies your dad participates in. Show him that you’ve been paying attention by getting him something he actually wants. For example, if your dad is an avid gardener, pick up some high-quality shears or heavy-duty garden gloves. If your father is a strong advocate for the 2nd amendment, pick up a well-made hip holster from a reputable and well-established company like Hardcore Gun Holsters. Not only will your dad love the gift, he’ll be happy to know that you care enough to choose something meaningful to him.
If you can’t think of something he doesn’t already have, take your dad on an adventure this Father’s Day instead. Studies show that people appreciate experiences more that objects, so plan some exciting getaway or activity. Go hiking, rafting, or golfing together, or visit a hip new restaurant that serves his favorite food. Not only will you have a fun time and create a lot of new memories together, you’ll also have ample time for conversation. The best Father’s Day present you get yourself may be the opportunity to get to know your father better.
Finally, make sure you take the time to tell your father how you feel about him. If expressing yourself in words is hard, you can always fall back on the traditional greeting card. Find one that really applies in your relationship and leave a note at the end saying that the card expresses your thoughts and feelings better than you could. He’ll appreciate your heartfelt expression of love and gratitude.
This Father’s Day, make the most of the opportunity to celebrate your dad. By taking the time to pick a gift or experience he’ll really love, and sharing your feelings with him, you’ll make his day.