Trend Micro said the increasing number of fraud approaching the opening of the 2012 Olympics. The annual world sport event party to be held in July, in London it attracted the attention of various circles, not least the perpetrators of cybercrime. They also launched a fraud scheme that the user stuck with how to access the link listed in a billboard on the main screen.
Users must have been like to witness the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics held in London directly as promised by sponsor Visa Golden Space for enticing users to take a chance trip prize package to the event. In fact, the offer is fraudulent.
Who would not want to watch the 2012 London Olympics closing ceremony directly? And when there is someone look at this offer, of course, very difficult to resist. Visa Golden Space as offering the lure of prize travel package to watch events directly. In fact, there were offers that never actually existed.
Trend Micro also discovered the existence of malware on a file Early Check-In 2012 London Olympics.doc. This file is detected TROJ_ARTIEF.XPL, which contains RTF Stack Buffer Overflow Vulnerability and the components found in some versions of Microsoft Office. If successful, this malware will destroy several systems on the computer which detected by Trend Micro as TROJ_DROPHIN.A and TROJ_PHINDOLP.A.
This is not the first time scheme used in this event to entice users to access the link provided. In early 2008, Trend Micro found a spammed message claiming lottery drawn by the Committee of the 2012 Olympics in London.
We also report a spam campaign on behalf of the London 2012 Olympics. In addition, the social engineering e-guide we explain the engineering is always filled during certain seasons that made the user as a target goal. Online bidding is, at first sight, seem real, but many suspicious emails lure the user. All of these tactics can cause you to inadvertently give personal information to malware that is downloaded on your computer.
The personal information you provide is not comparable with the risk of a chance to win a lottery that actually never existed. Before you click the link to an email, it is worth investigating further in advance.