When you get new test equipment, the first thing that you should do is to calibrate it to make sure that it will work correctly on the job. Do not just assume that it is going to be in perfect condition as soon as it arrives. It might be, but is that really a chance that you want to take? It will be in good shape when it comes out of the factory – meaning that there should not be any factory defects and that it should work perfectly when you use it – but you have to calibrate it for the specific job on your own.
It is also a good idea to re-calibrate it from time to time to make sure that it is still working the way that you want it to work. This is especially true with automated test equipment since it will run on its own once you get it going. If it is doing to wrong thing, the equipment is just going to keep working until you notice the error. By then, you could have wasted a lot of time. All of the test results might be useless to you.
Taking the time to look over your test equipment is crucial to the whole process. Some people skip over steps because they feel like they are not getting anything done, but you should never do this. You are better off to get less done than to do more and find later that it was done incorrectly.