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    Tips Tricks
    August 5, 2020

    5 Main Causes and How to Overcome Flashdisk Unreadable on PC

    How to Overcome Flashdisk Unreadable, Who does not know this little object full of benefits? Of course, almost everyone has it and uses it. Flashdisk is very useful for storing data and temporary files, sometimes we also use a flash drive as a place to back up important files from…
    Tips Tricks
    June 28, 2022

    5 Important Computer Maintenance Tips

    Here are some critically important computer maintenance tips to keep your machine in tip-top shape. These include cleaning the keyboard, mouse, CPU, video card, and heatsinks. Also, clean your computer’s fan, power supply, and battery. Keeping your computer at a moderate temperature of 68 to 71 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal.…
    Tips Tricks
    December 8, 2020

    Four Basic Long-Distance Relationship Steps

    One of the best things about living in a digital world is that it’s possible to build and maintain connections across hundreds of miles. You can have friends or business partners in other countries. You can run a business with customers on different continents. Expectations, Communication, and Goals Even across…
    Tips Tricks
    June 20, 2016

    Planning for Your Summer Time Home Repairs? Try this ideas

    Everyone loves the summer, with its beautiful warm weather, family vacations, and amazing fresh fruit and vegetables available. It’s also often the most convenient time of year to schedule your home repairs and improvements. Since you will be spending more time outside, you will start to notice areas that need…
    Tips Tricks
    December 24, 2022

    How to Extract the Speech from Your MP3 File, 5 Critical Steps

    If you have ever wondered how to extract the speech from your MP3 file, you will be glad to know that you can now do so in some different ways. Depending on the type of program you choose to use, it will be able to convert the audio to text…
    April 2, 2011

    Secret Google Search Technique (Part 3)

    Google search the 3rd edition discusses the Advanced Operators or Query that have a special meaning for more than just basic google operators OR, AND, punctuation, and the like. Link One moment you just want to know where your website in mention, or any website that contains your domain address,…
    Tips Tricks
    June 4, 2023

    The 5 Essentials of Successful Construction Project Management

    Managing construction projects take a lot of people-related skills. Communication with all project team members, including clients, developers, engineers, architects, subcontractors, safety inspectors, rental firms, and administrative personnel, must always be maintained. Additionally, it’s critical to understand how to break bad news to staff and inspire them. This article will…
    Tips Tricks
    October 5, 2016

    Quick Ways To Protect Yourself Online

    More and more people are going online, and they are accessing the Internet in a variety of ways. It used to be that desktop computers were the only way people got to their favorite websites. All of that is changing with the rise in popularity of mobile computing devices and…
    Tips Tricks
    June 26, 2022

    Before Creating a Logo, Consider These 8 Important Factors

    8 Factors to Consider Before Creating a Logo. While designing a logo, you should consider its primary and secondary use cases. You can make a mockup and test it in different backgrounds and sizes to ensure it will work in all settings. A logo should be effective in various sizes,…
    Tips Tricks
    August 24, 2017

    How Can I Make My Business More Savvy And Sophisticated?

    If you want your business to become as savvy and sophisticated as possible, it’s time to adopt a strategic approach to the process of making your organization increasingly impressive. Below you’ll find just three of many techniques you can deploy to make business exceptionalism the reality for your company: 1.…

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    27+ New iOS 13 Features You Need to Know!

    Yesterday we discussed the new features on macOS Catalina, and now we continue to explore and see what’s new on iOS 13 features. This is a really good update for iPhone users, and without too long just read the iOS 13 review below. 1. Dark Mode (New iOS 13 features) Okay, let’s go straight to the first new feature, this is the feature I like the most, which is the…

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    7 Tips for Data Backup and Recovery

    Losing your files can be more than just an inconvenience, especially if you’re a business owner with profits to make and confidential information to keep secure. Here are just seven tips for protecting your livelihood. 1. Know Your Options There are many different ways to back up your files, but they usually fall under the same two umbrellas: Manual back-up is done with USB flash drives or external hard drives.…

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    Secret Google Search Techniques (part 1)

    Searching on Google is very simple, you simply enter in your search word into the textbox search google and press enter, Google will find pages that match with your search. What a good search most likely? or in other words how google translate human language into a search query? The reality in google search: All the words that you enter into google search textbox will be used for search. Searching…

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    Choosing Your Xbox One Controller, 4 Great Tips

    4 Tips on Choosing Your Xbox One Controller. There are many things to consider when choosing an Xbox controller. Some are obvious, like whether you want extra buttons or paddles that let you customize your controls. Fortunately, there are many options out there for gamers of all kinds. Whether you’re into first-person shooters, racing games, or fighting games, there’s a controller out there. Choose based on your gaming style. Regarding…

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    4 Simple Ways Contract Packaging Can Help Improve Your Supply Chain

    The Contract packaging is when a company outsources its packaging production to another business. This includes designing, printing, component production, assembling, and finishing the product in the final packaging. Finding a contract packager with the right capabilities for your program takes research and vetting. Ask for a minimum of three to four contract packages for bids. Increased Efficiency Getting products out the door and to retail shelves quickly is the…

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    6 Guide for Buying Memory Card Reader / Writer

    This one object is as important as the memory card. Important because it helps us to move data from memory card to your PC or vice versa. All the data we have the photos, work files, tasks campus, could easily switch places because of the memory card reader/writer of this. If we do not have it, try carefully before buying it. There are many types and brands of memory card…

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    6 Smart Tips for Maximizing your Android Phone

    The Android-based phones have variety of interesting content and features available proved capable to enchant millions of users in a relatively short time. Those that include or are interested to be one of them, here are some useful tips to maximize your Green Robot smartphone. 1. Having a Google account Android is Google’s operating system, so you need a Google account (or Gmail) to use the many features on your…

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    Top 3 Skills a Successful Movie Producer Must Have

    Producing a movie, no matter the size and scope of the production is no small feat. There are many variables and elements that both amateurs and professionals such as Heather Parry must consider. Film producers must have a set of strengths that can help them complete a project on time and with the highest quality possible. The following skills are the most important to achieve this goal.   Organization  Movie production…

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    How to Change the Facebook Email Account Latest on All Devices, 7 Easiest Steps and Fast!

    How to Change the Facebook Email Account Latest on All Devices. Have had Facebook for a long time but want to change your email address? Relax, here we will explain the easiest way to change Facebook email. As one of the oldest social media, many Facebook (FB) users have registered their accounts for a long time. It’s no wonder that many of them, maybe including you, use weird names and…

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    How to Track Unknown Phone Number, the Latest 4 Simplest Methods: Guaranteed Accurate!

    Tracking who's phone number is calling you sometimes needs to be done, especially if the calls occur continuously and disturb you. Actually, you can, you just block the phone number, besides how to open a blocked cellphone number is really easy.

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